David Suzuki is my hero. My friend Robyn Agoston has a pet name for him: "the Suzuk." While I was wandering around Kigali on Friday in the Suzuk t-shirt pictured above the man himself was giving Canada's Conservatives hell over their Orwellian plan to continue changing the climate. What an inspiration! The first time I wore the t-shirt on the streets of Toronto I walked past two Greenpeace activists without stopping to chat. Moments later a sparrow flew over me and deposited a serious amount of excrement on my shoulder. Some might say that it was karma. Perhaps John Baird should keep his eyes pointed skyward over the coming weeks....
At the inter-personal level, the woman pictured to my left is another inspiration and a true friend. Tomorrow, with a mind freshly pumped full of French I depart for Dakar and another phase in my research adventure. Look for substantative blogs to start again after my arrival in Senegal.
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