Tuesday, April 17, 2007

People or Paper?

Here in Kigali I am finding myself questioning whether or not I am as principled a person in the flesh as I appear to be on paper. In my writing, as some of the material in these pages attests, I can make arguments for particular policy or governance changes that I believe will lead to a more equitable and sustainable world order. Researching and writing about the world in an effort to make it a better place is something that many consultants, researchers and activists do to earn a living. Someday soon I hope to count myself amongst their number. If I can establish a reputation for producing informed and honest scholarship and policy advice then I might be well on my way to a jet-setting career as a recognized development professional. As I enjoy the company of a truly selfless crowd of community development workers I wonder about this self-advancement drive of mine. Is it possible that at some point my careerist ambitions might interfere with or even trump the principles I hope to advance through my work? How can a drive to be considered 'successful' in academic and policy circles be squared with a quest to promote global justice? This past weekend my new friends taught me quite a few lessons that could help me to answer the latter question. I hope to impart these lessons, and some partial and contingent answers, later this week.


The above picture was taken close to the cotton dependent village of Mwamanongou, Meatu District, Shinyanga, Tanzania


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